How do credits work in Stranger Sips? #
Stranger Sips includes a free trial with a limited number of credits.
But you can buy additional credits at any time, which will do three things:
- Your purchased credits will be added to your account shortly after your purchase, usually in less than a minute. As soon as credits are added to your account, they can be used right away.
- You will receive an email with a receipt for the purchase.
- Any credits purchase will permanently add the expanded chat capability to your account.
What are credits used for? #
Your account has a limited number of credits, and you use 1 credit every time you send a chat message in the game.
Do you ever have sales, discounts, or promo codes? #
Yes! Check your account to make sure you're on the Sales, discounts, and promotions email list. If you are, then you'll get an email anytime credits are on sale!
Do credits expire? #
Credits never expire. When you buy them, whether at full price or on sale, your credits are yours forever.
Is there a way to get free credits? #
Yes! Each day that you log into the game and play you get 50 free credits!
Okay, so how do I buy more credits? #
If you run out of free credits you can add more at any time. Log into the game and click the link in the upper-left corner that shows the number of credits you have.
This will take you to your account's profile page, where a BUY MORE link appears.
Clicking the BUY MORE link takes you to the game's pricing page, where you can choose a credits amount that works best for you.
Credits are discounted when you buy them in bulk, and they never expire!
Click on the credits amount you want, and you'll be taken to a screen where you can complete your purchase. When that is done, you'll be taken back to the game and your credits will be applied to your account.
That's it! #
Enjoy your new credits, and thank you for playing!